Friday, June 8, 2012

Awesome Things About Writing

I haven't done one of these for a while. We think it's the big things that are important (okay, they are pretty great) but the small stuff counts too. The same is true for writing, so here are a few of my latest awesome things about writing:

1. Realizing your novel is so much stronger because of revisions, especially when you're halfway through and wondering whether to continue.

2. Having a child ask you to hurry up and finish so they can read your manuscript.

3. Getting an unexpected hour or two to work on your writing.

4. Feeling a compelling need to write, even when you're bogged down by other work and can't get to it.

5. Thinking of a great plot twist.

What's awesome about your writing lately?


  1. Those are all awesome. I'm realizing my writing is getting stronger and my critiques are getting better with less problems.

    1. That's a great one, Natalie. It gives such a sense of accomplishment.

  2. Realizing that while there are a TON of things I need to fix in the next draft, it's a positive thing that I *recognize* what they are. Before, I think I would have known a manuscript wasn't working but wouldn't have been able to put my finger on why. That's a step in the right direction.

    And, oh, being up before the kids so I have a few quiet minutes to write. That's pretty awesome, too.

    1. Car, I love getting up before everyone else. It's so peaceful and I usually get a lot done.

      It's so cool that you're able to recognize what isn't working in your manuscripts. I'm not sure I'm there yet.

  3. You've nailed it for me. And ditto what Natalie said. Plus, reading your first draft and knowing it has problems, and instantly being able to figure out what they are. :)

    1. That is awesome, Stina. I love being able to pinpoint problems, and then do the sometimes hard work of trying to fix them.

  4. When you hear an idea from a writer friend and then it all clicks together in your manuscript. Love that feeling!

  5. I have to agree with thinking of a great plot twist. Also, I just love the high that comes after a really good writing session. That's when I know I'm meant to write -- it makes me feel so alive; it's like nothing else.

  6. i went to a conference this weekend and was buzzing with ideas to improve, liven, and twist up my story. there's nothing better than that!!


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