Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Answers to Your Questions About Writing Children's Books

Recently I discovered Jenny Lee Young's blog and her new weekly feature "Let's Ask". In this feature she poses questions about anything to do with children's books to experts in the field.

For example, she asked author Susanna Leonard Hill about that old piece of writer's advice that we keep hearing, Do you write what you know? and where she gets ideas for her stories. 

And she asked author Julie Hedlund, Why do you think it's so important to attend a writer's conference?

I'll be watching her blog for more on the questions we face as writers of children's books.


  1. Thanks for sharing the links. You always let us know about interesting things going on around the web.

  2. Thanks for the links. I knew of the two writers Jenny showcased, but I didn't know about Jenny.

  3. Jen's new series is terrific! And in case anyone is interested, I also have a feature on my blog for asking questions called Oh Susanna which posts on Mondays. I am currently very low on questions, so if anyone has any, please send them in :)


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