Monday, March 1, 2010

More on Different Viewpoints

 23. Eggs by Jerry Spinelli

What a great story of friendship between two unlikely characters - a 9-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl! I can see this book appealing to both boys and girls. It was interesting to see how Spinelli handled the different points of view of the two kids. In some novels with different viewpoints, the POVs are quite distinct in terms of voice. I didn't find that so much here, but changes were clear. In a few places, the story was told from an adult perspective, which I found a bit jarring. I enjoyed the vivid visual images in this novel.

Revision update: I didn't reach my goal of finishing draft #2 of my work-in-progress by the end of February. But I will definitely finish this week. I made it to Chapter 17 of about 20 chapters. One of the things I will need to do in my next revision is to think about how to make the viewpoints in my own story emerge more naturally.


  1. That's still great progress! I like Spinelli, but haven't read this book. Now I'm interested to do so, to compare the male/female voices, and to see that adult perspective. It's not something recommended for children's writers, so I want to see how he handles it.

  2. I really like Spinelli's work. But I haven't read this one. Sounds good.

    Congrats on all of your work in your WIP! That is huge. Revisions are really tough.

    I've nearly finished my WIP!!!!! I'm in the last big scene. Wow. And then I'll have to do the resolution scene. Maybe by next week if I can glue myself to the chair.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement! Something is really clicking for me this time - a lot to do with the fact that I've been making time to write every day, I think. Bring on the glue!

    Christy, wow! That ending part is so hard!


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