I don’t often feature
non-fiction, but this is such a fun collection of creatures, I couldn’t resist!
Who knew there were so many pink animals?
Some people
think pink is a pretty color. A fluffy, sparkly, princess-y color. But it's so
much more.
Sure, pink
is the color of princesses and bubblegum, but it's also the color of monster
slugs and poisonous insects. Not to mention ultra-intelligent dolphins, naked
mole rats and bizarre, bloated blobfish.
Isn't it
about time to rethink pink?
Pink is for Blobfish: Discovering the World's Perfectly Pink Animals was written by Jess Keating with
illustrations by David DeGrand. It was published by Alfred A. Knopf in 2016.
My thoughts as a writer:
I liked the way this book was structured: each page is another unusual pink creature with a descriptive
paragraph and a fun fact bubble and illustration. I love how, on the right side
of the spread, there’s a list of all the key information—size, diet, habitat,
predators & threats—it’s so easy to read.
The descriptions
highlight interesting details that are likely to draw in a curious reader.
My Thoughts as a Teacher:
If I was a
school librarian, this one would definitely be on my to-buy list. It would also
be a great addition to a classroom non-fiction book collection. I'd use this one to discuss features of non-fiction texts. I can also imagine
kids at reading time, pouring over the pages, intrigued by the idea of so many odd pink creatures!
Ages: 4 – 8
Grades: K - 3
Themes: unusual animals
As a class,
vote on another animal color. Research creatures of that color and have each student write
their own page for a class book!
Choose one
of the creatures in this book and make it the main character in a fictional
story. Use its habitat as your setting!
Get out some pink paint and have students draw and paint their favorite creature from the book. Add a bubble with a striking fact about the animal and then create a gallery walk.
Watch some of Jess Keating's Animals for Smart People videos on Youtube. Here's one about the nudibranch, an animal featured in Pink is for Blobfish.