Monday, December 23, 2013

Wrapping Up 2013

Happy Holidays!
Thank you for visiting and supporting my blog over the past year!

I'm taking a blog break for the next couple of weeks to spend time with family and enjoy the season.(and maybe sneak in some writing). I hope you are doing that too or whatever makes you happy at this time of year.
Wishing you a joyful and memorable holiday season! See you back here in 2014.


  1. I'm taking a blog break too for the holidays. Happy Holidays, Andrea!

  2. Happy holidays and have a great New Year.

  3. Have a wonderful break--looking forward to more of your wonderfuk blog in the New Year.

  4. Hi Andrea. I took a little break, too. But now I'm ready to jump back into the world of writing again.

  5. Enjoy your break, and the writing! Happy 2014, Andrea.


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