Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Agent Updates for Middle Grade

Lately I've been hearing so much about how publishers and agents are looking for middle grade. The latest:

Agent Susan Hawk's wish list includes middle grade that goes beyond goofy boys and quirky girls.

Kat Salazar is a new agent, actively looking for middle grade. You can find more info about her in a recent agent spotlight at Literary Rambles.
Agent Mary Kole has updated her wish list (see sidebar of her blog) and writes about the need for "more meaty" middle grade" and notes the continued demand for fantasy and action-adventure in her report on Bologna.

So if you're writing middle grade and looking for representation, keep working and keep trying! There are opportunities out there.


  1. This is good news for me as my book is an upper MG fantasy. Thanks for the updates.

  2. Thanks for the heads up, Andrea. I nice to see MG getting some well-deserved attention. Those readers have all the problems, dreams, hopes, and expectations that YA does. Yay for MG!

  3. I love knowing about the excitement for MG!

  4. Thanks for the updates. I've added some notes to my list of agents to query. I wouldn't have included Mary Kole on my list without your post because she wasn't looking for fantasy.

  5. This is perfect! Today on FB someone was asking me about MG agents! Thanks Andrea. Hope the writing is going great!


  6. Hi Andrea, nice to meet you. Just heard about your blog from Angela Ackerman on FB.

  7. This is really encouraging--thanks for sharing!

  8. Glad to see MG getting more attention.


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