Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Learning about seasons with DEAR STREET by Lindsay Zier-Vogel & Caroline Bonne-Muller

Painting of girl looking out window onto street with buildings, people, trees
Why this book?

I found this story when doing some research for my grade 1 class when we were learning about community. My students kept talking about the book, even weeks afterward.

My thoughts as a creator:

This book is a great example of how to incorporate many layers into a picture book. It includes seasonal changes, letter writing, taking different perspectives, noticing things in the environment and taking steps for social change. I would study this one to learn about how to create a fun story while including lots of layers. The illustrations are lots of fun with many shapes and patterns.

My thoughts as an educator:

With all the layers in this book, there is a huge potential for using this as a mentor text in the classroom. I especially liked the way it shows different perspectives on the same place. I thought it would be great for inspiring an inquiry about the school neighbourhood, which could be returned to over the different seasons of the year. It was nice to see thought bubbles and letter writing as examples kids could use for their own writing.

Ages: 5 - 9

Grades: Gr 1 - 4

Connections: community, kindness, taking action, letter writing


Art/Social Studies:  Discuss all the patterns in the illustrations. Encourage student to create their own “street scene” using different patterns. Which season would they like to show in their scene? A part II of this activity could be to use a paper doll template to create themselves  and “dress themselves for the weather” so they can put themselves in the scene.

You could also connect this to a neighborhood photo walk using this lesson from the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia  (click HERE)

Or learn about seasonal changes through a resource guide about the art of Maud Lewis from Art Canada Institute (click HERE)

Literacy/Drama: After discussing the different perspective of the girl and the people in the neighborhood, encourage students to share their understanding through a drama activity. In pairs, kids could work together to share their different points of view about different types of weather or seasonal occurrences  (e.g., snow, rain, sunshine, wind, leaves changing colours etc). Volunteers could present their “skit” to the class.

Social Studies Inquiry: Set up a centre where students can note observations about the neighborhood or a street outside your school. Take a walk and make observations. Have students draw and label what they notice. What might they want to learn more about? Make predictions about how the street or neighborhood will change during different weather conditions. What would they see? Why?


Visit the author online (click on the name):

Lindsay Zier-Vogel

Visit the illustrator online:

Caroline Bonne-Muller

Visit the publisher online:

Kids Can Press

*They provide a cute letter writing template for photocopying


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Learning about the Métis culture - MÉTIS LIKE ME

One of the things I love about reading children’s books is the opportunity to learn new things. I was delighted to find this book. It gave me a chance to learn more about the Métis culture. I discovered this book after seeing it mentioned in the children’s book recommendation feed on Bluesky. (Find me on Bluesky:

Why this book?

Three children lying on the ground with beaded flowers and leaves around them

At first, I was first drawn to the playful illustrations, but I especially loved the way the book shows how different children experience their culture and celebrate their heritage. It's unique in the way it honors different perspectives and experiences. 

My thoughts as a creator:

I haven't seen a picture book told with the perspectives and voices of several different children. I thought this structure was a good way to bring in the idea that individuals experience their culture and heritage in different ways. 

My thoughts as an educator:

This book provides a window into a culture and heritage that I don't know much about myself, so I'm looking forward to sharing it with my grade 1 students. I think they will find many different ways to connect to this story. I also really liked the positive approach to learning more about your own cultural background, even if you don't know much about it. I think this would inspire some young children to ask questions about their own heritage. 

Ages: 4 - 9

Grades: K - 3

Connections: Metis culture, Indigenous learning, individuality,  


Social Studies:  Make a list with students: What are some of the elements of Métis culture that you noticed in the story? What are some important aspects of your own culture? Encourage students to draw or write about an aspect of their own culture. Why is it important to you?

STEAM: Explore some Métis dot designs. I found this really interesting explanation and demonstration of Metis dot art with some background information from Lacombe Tourism (click HERE) . I also found a shorter video with a dot art drawing activity from Richmond Art Gallery (click HERE). 

Visit the author online (click on the name):

Tasha Hilderman 🍁

Visit the illustrator:

Risa Hugo 🍁

Visit the publisher:

Tundra Books (Penguin Random House) 🍁

I also found this news interview with the author from CITL CKSA:

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

OLIVETTI by Allie Millington - a typewritten mystery

 A story from the perspective of a typewriter is a first for me! I heard about this one from the #kidlit chat on Bluesky and had to check it out.(Visit the Bluesky Kidlit/YA Book Recommendations Feed to see many more book recommendations).

Why this book?
black typewriter with flowers above it

I remember using a typewriter ages ago. I used one to type out one of the first stories I wrote for a writing contest. It might even have been an Olivetti. I was curious about this story because we hardly ever see typewriters anymore. I also wondered whether the story would interest kids who may have never seen one before. There was a lot to the story!

My thoughts as a creator:

The structure of alternating points of view between the typewriter and human boy was an interesting choice. I enjoyed thinking about how the author used a different voice for each of these characters. There's a lot of humor in the writing, but it evokes a great deal of emotion, too. Plus, how cool is it that a typewriter types messages to communicate?

My thoughts as an educator:

This story doesn't have as much action as some stories, but I still think it would hold the attention of readers. It deals with some challenging topics and issues. There is interesting vocabulary to talk about as well as a mystery that Ernest, the boy, is trying to solve. He is also dealing with anxiety, a familiar issue for many kids. This story also provides an opportunity to learn about the writing technique of "flashbacks."

Ages: 10 - 14

Grades: 5 - 7

Connections: typewriters, mysteries, family, anxiety, memories, grief


Literacy: Think about the characters of Olivetti, Ernest and his friend, Quinn. What is the same or different about how they solve problems? Which one is more like you?

Literacy:  Brainstorm some ideas for what an inanimate object might want to say to someone (e.g., perspective of your phone or pencil case). Write a story where the object needs to solve a problem. Try to stay in the object's perspective. 

Visit the author online:

Visit the publisher:

Feiwel & Friends 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Inspire young gardeners with MILLIE FLEUR'S POISON GARDEN

I'm always on the lookout for charming and unique picture books and I recently discovered this one through a recommendation on Bluesky. I'm looking forward to sharing more of my Bluesky book discoveries along with tips and ideas for using them in the classroom. 

(Find me on Bluesky:

Why this book?

Young girl with trowel in the middle of a garden of plants with eyeballs and tentacles

I love hanging out in my garden, so I couldn’t pass up the chance to check out this delightful picture book by author-illustrator Christy Mandin. This story is such fun for curious young gardeners! It will no doubt inspire some interesting STEAM and writing projects. 

My thoughts as a creator:

I love the unique twist on the theme of gardening with Millie's very unusual plants. The title made me curious! It was a bit of a surprise that the story in this picture book was charming and not at all scary. I can imagine the illustrations were a lot of fun to work on as there are lots of creative garden possibilities like “tentacled tansy.” The color scheme is in natural tones and reminds me of nature.

My thoughts as an educator:

There can never be too many stories with the theme of celebrating being yourself and following your own passion! This picture book would work well as part of a unit about growing plants and also would be a nice book for talking about developing creative writing ideas.  

Ages: 4 - 7

Grades: K - 2

Connections: plants, individuality, being yourself, creativity 


Social Emotional Learning:  Millie's passion was her garden, but what are other things people might care strongly about? Encourage students to draw a picture of one of their own unique interests. What makes you special?

STEAM: Design your own unique and weird plant for Millie's garden. Will your plant be creepy or interesting? What unique features might it have and how will they help the plant survive? 

Students can make weird plants in 3D! Provide paper scraps in a range of colours, along with scissors and glue. Demonstrate different ways to tear, bend and fold the paper and encourage students to create different features of the plant.

STEM/Science: Provide "mystery seeds" (e.g., beans, lentils, marigolds, sunflowers) for students along with flower pots and soil. What might grow? Students can make observations and predictions about their growing plants. 

Literacy: Retell the story. Question to discuss: Why did the people in the town get upset about Millie's garden?


Visit the author-illustrator online:

Christy Mandin

Visit the publisher:

Orchard Books/Scholastic

Check out the trailer for Millie Fleur's Poison Garden: