I’m always
on the lookout for new ways to talk about kindness with my students. This book
is perfect for starting a discussion. It was also lovely to see that royalties
from this book will be donated to Think Kindness.

In a series
of simple yet evocative questions, this impactful book asks children how they
will show kindness and consideration for others. Written by the editors of
Pajama Press, and illustrated by celebrated Pajama Press artists, these
stunning pages inspire meaningful discussion and storytelling about the
understated yet powerful ways in which children might influence the world
around them. A World of Kindness goes beyond mere rhetoric to examine, in a
child-friendly way, everyday social interactions where a kind word or act could
have a transformative effect on others.
A World of Kindness was written by
the Editors of Pajama Press and illustrated by nine illustrators, Suzanne Del
Rizzo, Tara Anderson, Rebecca Bender, Brian Deines, Wallace Edwards, Manon
Gauthier, Dean Griffiths, Kim La Fave and Francois Thisdale. It was published in 2018.
Are you kind?
My Thoughts as a Writer:
Such a simple text yet so effective! It's really a list of ways to be kind, written as a series of questions. Put together with these lovely illustrations, the text does make me think.
My Thoughts as an Educator:
This is a
perfect book for reading aloud. After an initial
read through, educators could talk about one page a day and have a wonderful discussion.
It’s also a great book for studying different styles of illustration and what
makes them effective. Or to think about how the illustration relates to the
text. I also really love the cover. I definitely want this one for my personal
Ages: all ages
Grades: K – 4
Themes: kindness, diversity, manners
List: Make a
list of acts of kindness that you could try.
Choose your favourite illustration from the text. What makes it special? Try to
create your own art in the style of the artist.
Think of a time when you had to say you were sorry. How did you feel? How
you think the other person felt?
Draw: Draw a
picture of how you look when you are sad. Write about some things that make you
feel better. Could you try those things to help someone else?